Our Projects

Vision for a New Era

Uniti have partnered with Capulet Africa to support the development of a 10mW solar farm, secondary school and light industrial complex in Sierra Leone. The first of 25.

Solar energy powers the nearby complexes, creating a self sustaining, off grid energy solution. Energy powers enhanced agricultural production and post-harvest refrigeration, greatly enhancing productivity and profitability, whilst improving nutrition and wellbeing. 

The power source will also provide energy to a newly constructed school, ensuring quality and equal education in both STEM and vocational subjects .

The income from the solar energy generation will provide the prerequisite for industry, while ensuring a financially sustainable school.

We Measure Impact on the Macro and Micro Levels: 

Macro impact

  • Opening up new sectors (e.g., solar, food processing)
  • Introducing new/enhanced technologies
  • Contributing towards a good investment climate
  • Strengthening the local business community
  • Fostering bilateral relations between countries


Micro impact

  • Education, through increased school retention and rates of high school graduation
  • Employment, through creation of good job with job security and attractive employment terms
  • Inclusion – through increased employment opportunities and inclusion of women, youth and disabled
  • Local Empowerment – through capacity building of local communities and strengthening the local economy

Our Project Impact Model

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